Thanks to everyone who got up and did math and thinking about sense-making with me first thing this morning! I hope you had some good conversations with your partners in those moments where I asked you to chat. Hopefully some of you even made some new friends.
Missed it? Check out the #WSMI hashtag and see what this great group of folks learned about today.
As promised, below is a PDF of my slides, as well as some links to related resources.
- Download a PDF of my slides
- Brian Bushart’s blog post about Numberless Word Problems (and graphs)
- My five minute Ignite talk about Sense Making
- The New York Times Learning Network’s What’s Going On in This Graph?
- The blog post about the kindergarten teacher (Emily) who focused on sense-making
- Smudged Math was something mentioned on Twitter in relation to the problem I used about the department store where all the number info was blurred out – or smudged, as it were.
I’d love to hear from you if you try any of these strategies for the first time. How’d it go? Tweet at me (@MFAnnie) and tell me how it went, or drop me some email. Good luck!