Wednesday: Sense Making: Is it at the Core of Your Classroom?
Here are my slides in PDF form.
Thursday: The Power of Ideas
Here are my slides in PDF form.
Here are resources related to both talks – I’ve tried to add enough of a description so that you can pick and choose.
- My 5-minute Ignite talk about sense-making is a great conversation starter, so you might share it with folks to start conversations: Sense-Making: It Isn’t Just for Literacy Anymore
- Joe Schwartz is a retired K-5 math coach. Some of the examples I used come from him (he and I have presented versions of this session together). His Noticing and Wondering posts can be found here and here.
- Posts detailing Joe’s experiences with the Tell Me Everything You Can… prompt can be found here, here, and here.
- Read about Joe’s efforts to connect reading and math here.
- A Numberless Word Problems starting point from Brian Bushart is here.
- Zak Champagne’s Ignite about becoming a better listener (by asking questions you don’t know the answer to, as we talked about in both sessions) is here.
- There’s a whole web site of Which One Doesn’t Belong? ideas, plus Christopher Danielson’s book of the same name.
- Check out the kindergarten teacher Emily’s post about monitoring for sense-making. (This is required reading for the folks who came to the Thursday session!)
- I didn’t mention Max Ray-Riek’s Ignite: What We Talk About When We Talk About Teaching, but it’s important and relevant. You’ll find it here.
Thanks for coming to my sessions. I always love to hear how ideas from my sessions have impacted the work that you’re doing. Leave a comment here, or tweet at me or email me (the contact info is in the slides). Good luck!