My thanks to everyone who participated in my session. I’m sorry I didn’t take any pictures during our mingle, because there was a lot of activity and sharing going on! (Wonder what I mean by a “mingle”? I guess you should have come. It was great.)
I added pictures of all your “roles” posters to the slides, in case you want to check out the others more closely than we did during the session.
Download a PDF of the slides
Emily and Margaret’s blog post about sense-making with kinders
Brian Bushart’s blog post about numberless word problems (and graphs!)
My 5-minute Ignite talk that summarizes our session today, Sense-Making: It Isn’t Just for Literacy Anymore
I look forward to hearing more from some of you about things that you try when you get back to your classrooms, or how ideas coming from my session start productive, or at least interesting, conversations with your colleagues. Leave me a comment here, or tweet me at @MFAnnie.