My thanks to everyone who came to my session during NCSM’s Free Virtual Conference, and of course many thanks to NCSM and TI for making this happen.

In case you hadn’t guessed, doing a webinar as a presenter is NOT like doing a session live, mainly in that I can’t have any focused back-and-forth with the attendees (and I can’t see anyone!). But there was great participation in the chat, and having that channel of communication going on adds a whole new dimension to learning – instead of just talking to your learning partner when I ask you to, you can talk to everyone the whole time, while also taking notes, tweeting, taking screenshots, and drinking (hopefully good) coffee. I hope that those of you who are now responsible for “teaching” your students online get a little inspiration about ways to expand or revise what you’ve been doing, both technology-wise and in terms of tasks and foci.
I brought up Christopher Danielson’s book, Which One Doesn’t Belong. There is a web site at I also mentioned an adorable picture of my niece and my dad:
I encourage many of you to try out the NYTimes Learning Network’s project, What’s Going On in This Graph?. During my session we looked at the (timely!) graph that will be the focus tomorrow, April 1.
I said I would also point to Zak Champagne’s Ignite, The Math Ahead, The Math Behind, in which he talks about asking questions you don’t know the answer to in order to become a better listener.
I’ll add anything else that I think of (or that someone requests), but I know that all you really wanted was my slides. I’ve also included the chat transcript in text form – it might be ugly, but you can go at your own speed! So here goes:
The Power of Students’ Ideas Slides [pdf]
Chat Transcript [txt]